What Can I Expect After Bariatric Surgery?
Bariatric surgery is a common surgical procedure that affects the stomach and how food is digested. It is designed to make the stomach much smaller, which causes the person to feel full after eating only a small amount of food. What are the types of bariatric surgery? The most common surgery types in Delhi, India are lap band surgery, gastric bypass, and gastric sleeve surgery. Bariatrics surgery is usually done procedure, in which there are a number of small cuts in the abdomen. 1. In Lap band surgery , an adjustable ring is placed around the upper part of the stomach, creating a very small pouch that increases the time food stays in the upper part of the stomach. 2. In a G astric Bypass , a small stomach pouch is created by stapling. This is joined directly to the small intestine after some of the intestine has been removed. Food bypasses most of the stomach and fewer calories are...